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                                                                                                Image of a banner that states "coming soon"


Image of HART Hub logo.


We provide caring and coordinated support to meet immediate needs, and help people build stability while facing housing, mental health, and substance use concerns in Waterloo Region.





Image of HART Hub logo.  How does HART Hub work?


For people experiencing issues of homelessness or precarious housing, mental health, and substance use, it can be very hard to navigate the healthcare system. The Waterloo Region Hart Hub is designed to provide people with guidance, resources, and support to meet their individual needs, as well as the necessary information to make decisions about their health and housing journey. With this support, individuals can feel more connected and able to make their own choices, getting the right care, where and when they choose.
The Waterloo Region HART Hub, led by Community Healthcaring KW and House of Friendship, through strong partnerships with health and social service agencies across the region, will provide increased, coordinated access, and expanded hours to a full suite of programs and services for anyone experiencing issues of homelessness or precarious housing, mental health, and substance use. 


Image of HART Hub logo. What Programs & Services will be available across Waterloo Region?


Image of a green arrow. Immediate Needs such as Food,                         Showers,  Laundry, & Peer Supports


Image of a green arrow. Primary Care,  Mental Health and                   Addiction Supports, including Rapid             Access Addiction Medicine 
Image of a green arrow.  Community based Mental Health                    Supports


Image of a green arrow.  Mental Health and Addiction                              Supportive Housing
Image of a green arrow.  Culturally Safe Care, including                          Indigenous and Land-Based Supports


Image of a green arrow.  Employment Supports


Image of HART Hub logo. Looking for more information?


For more information about the Waterloo Region HART Hub use our Contact Us Form
Select "Waterloo Region HART Hub" from the "Select Department to Contact"  drop-down and submit your question.