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March is Nutrition Month!

March is Nutrition Month!


At CHCKW we have three Registered Dietitians as part of the Regional Diabetes Program who translate the complex science of nutrition into practical healthy eating solutions.


Join us March 27th at 1:30pm to learn more! Full details on our Community Health and Wellness Page


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Community Healthcaring KW Celebrates International Women's Day 2024 #InspireIncusion

International Women's Day 2024 #InspireInclusion


When we inspire others to understand and value women's inclusion, we forge a better world. Collectively, let's forge a more inclusive world for women. #healthcaring #homelessness #refugees


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Community Healthcaring KW Selected one of four sites to host Ontario Health’s new Refugee Health Complex Care Program

Watch W. Attayi on CHCKW’s selection to host Ontario Health’s new Refugee Health Complex Care Program. 

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Ontario Health's New Refugee Health Complex Care Program

Current primary care resource shortfalls create barriers to care for Refugees coming to our province.


CHCKW is thrilled to be selected as a host CHC for Ontario Health’s new Refugee Health Complex Care Program. #healthcaring #refugees #ONHealth


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JUST RELEASED: March 1, 2024 Edition of The Healthcaring Pulse

JUST RELEASED: March  2024 Issue of Healthcaring Pulse Advocacy E-Briefing!


Check out short expert videos on latest challenges facing our most vulnerable populations and what we can DO about them!





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Primary care is the heart of any patient’s medical care. The lack of primary care attachment is a crisis in communities

Primary care is the heart of any patient’s medical care. The lack of primary care attachment is a crisis in communities.


Watch Dr. Sarah Gimbel, on the need for innovation in rostering patients.

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Social isolation/lack of connectedness negatively impact health/wellness of communities

Social isolation/lack of connectedness negatively impact health/wellness of communities.

Watch Katie G., the Alliance for Healthier Communities, on the key role Social Prescribing plays in providing wholistic care/improving health outcomes.

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Funding shortfalls for trained, medical interpretation for refugees/immigrants = loss of autonomy, increased ER visits, risk of poorer health outcomes

Funding shortfalls for trained, medical interpretation for refugees/immigrants = loss of autonomy, increased ER visits, risk of poorer health outcomes



Watch Lucia H., CEO, KW Multicultural Centre on need for adequate/sustained funding .

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“Looking for a way to get out and make some new friends (or meet up with some old ones)?

“Looking for a way to get out and make some new friends (or meet up with some old ones)?"


Then be sure to join us for our first INDOOR Intergenerational Walk, Talk & Stroll at the Activa Sportsplex! Join us Thursday mornings at 10am for a stroll on the indoor track along with other parents, older adults and our Buddie volunteers, babies and staff from Community Healthcaring KW’s Health and Wellness team.


Have questions about other programs at the centre ? Are you a parent looking for lactation support? This walking program is for everyone!! For details visit the link in our bio or head to BreastfeedingBuddies.com or check out https://healthcaringkw.org/Locations.htm 


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50,000 KW community members lack primary care attachment.

50,000 KW community members lack primary care attachment


Watch Tara Groves-Taylor on the innovative, new Rapid Access Primary Care Clinic pilot for unattached patients launching today! #healthcaring #ONHealth #homelessness #refugees #Ontario 
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Blog Contributor Portrait
Name: Cathy Halley
Posts: 26
Last Post: March 12, 2024
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Name: Generic Administrator
Posts: 9
Last Post: December 7, 2023
Blog Contributor Portrait
Name: Tara Groves-Taylor
Posts: 4
Last Post: June 20, 2023